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Personal service and experience make the biggest difference
Techs: Experience Level
Robert - 31 years
Mark -2 years
Jonathan- 2 years
Specializing in Computer fixes, scans and virus and malware removal over the Internet - remotely using Teamviewer & Rust Desk and Email fixes & migration. **100 % safe and secure. We will explain the process to each cusatomer.
First time customers get a 50% discount on the price posted below. In addition to installs of those apps named in Bonus Section below.
Contact us NOW
Canada : Call
Text: 902-435-2969
On Website: Contact us via chat , we will respond quickly.
​For a thorough cleaning via Teamviewer remotely, including all apps and scans the current price is $26.00 . All work is done over the internet.
Two ways to Pay!

The Computerman Pros provide cutting edge protection for your computer(s), combined with over 15 years of experience working with Businesses and home users. My hope and vision for this website is to provide scheduled maintenance service remotely via teamviewer to allow me to fix and protect your computer. I highly recommend purchasing a yearly subscription service from us. I provide the personal touch and knowledge you will be comfortable with.
We perform all the below services and more at the lowest price possible to all clients.
Scans and Fixes using the best and newest programs
WINDOWS Re-Installs
Removal of Viruses, Malware, Spyware & Browser Hi-jackers
Repair Windows Services
Install Printer Drivers & Software
Windows Updates and Vunerable apps up to date.
Install missing drivers for sound , Video etc.
Backup Data to the web storage or to your external drive and install Cobian backup software.
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